
The officially supported way to authenticate with the platform is to use OAuth 2.0, see OAuth Authentication Flow.

Add the user-specific Access Token that you obtain using said flow to every HTTP request to the API as a Bearer to an Authorization header:

req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil) // <1>
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer " + token) // <2>
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "ACME/1.0") // <3>
Code annotations
  1. Handle err appropiately.
  2. Add the access token here.
  3. Add the name of your application as user agent to the request.

Additionally, there are three alternative ways to authenticate, which might help during the development phase of your client application:

OAuth Authentication Flow

Vizzlo uses a standard OAuth 2.0 authentication flow. To use it, you need to register your application with Vizzlo. Please get in touch with to do so. As part of the registration you will get a Client ID and a Client Secret.

OAuth2 configuration

Request Authorization URL


Access Token URL


Access Type

Example implementation

An example implementation in Go based on might look like this.

Code to direct user to Vizzlo so that they can grant your application access to the Vizzlo platform:

conf := &oauth2.Config{
    ClientID:     clientID, // <1>
    ClientSecret: clientSecret, // <2>
    Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
        AuthURL:  "",
        TokenURL: "",
    RedirectURL: redirectURL, // <3>
    Scopes:      []string{"documents"},

sendUserHere := conf.AuthCodeURL(state, oauth2.AccessTypeOnline) // <4> <5>
Code annotations
  1. This is your application’s client ID.
  2. Add your client secret here.
  3. Add on of your configured redirect URLs here.
  4. The variable state should contians a random string which need to check later as a CSRF protection measure.
  5. Redirect the user to the URL in sendUserHere.

Based on the above code, the user will be directed to Vizzlo (and, optionally, asked to log in or even create an account) and asked for permission to acces their Vizzlo account.

Vizzlo asks user to grant permission for «ACME App» to their Vizzlo account.

If the user authorizes the app, they will be directed back to your server (as per the redirectURL specified) and your callback code should look roughtly like this:

tok, err := conf.Exchange(oauth2.NoContext, code) // <1> <2> <3>
accessToken := tok.AccessToken // <4>
Code annotations
  1. Here we assume that you successfully checked the state form value to exactly match the string you generated before redirecting the user to Vizzlo.
  2. The variable code is gathered from a form value of the same name.
  3. Handle the error err appropiately
  4. Store accessToken in your database and use it for all subsequent API calls.