Chart Vizzard
Vizzlo's AI-based chart generatorHow do people spend their time?

Each of us has 24hours to spend each day, that is 1440 minutes. This chart compares the average time allocated across various day-to-day activities, from paid work to leisurely activities.
There are some notable differences between the different countries. Some prioritize family time or household chores, while others cherish a good night’s sleep or seeing friends. People from wealthier countries can afford to work less. Take, for example, China and Mexico: in these countries, people spend, on an average day, almost twice as much time on paid work as people in Italy and France do.
The data for the 33 countries profiled come from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s Time Use database, for ages 15 through 64 years old.

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