Chart Vizzard
Vizzlo's AI-based chart generatorTaylor Swift vs Michael Jackson

With Taylor Swift’s record breaking and historic wins at the American Music Awards last night, leading her to topple former record-holder Michael Jackson for most AMA’s won, she’s becoming a force to be reckoned with in music history and - as musician and ‘Artist of the Decade’ presenter at the show Carole King predicts of Swift - “the best is yet to come”.
Taylor began her performance by protesting sexism in the music industry (after a long battle with former record company executives), and this achievement may be seen by some as the ushering in of a new, female-led, post-”Me Too” era for music. However, she’s still got a long way to go to achieve some of the many other highs of Jackson’s four-decade-spanning career; the numbers for the prestigious awards we’ve listed show Jackson taking home a total of 80 more trophies than Swift.

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