Chart Vizzard
Vizzlo's AI-based chart generatorWHO annual budget contextualized

In a contribution to the UN Special Summit on the Corona Crisis in early December 2020, German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke out in favor of strengthening the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO coordinating between its 194 member states must be even better able to respond to cross-border threats to health, Merkel explained at the virtual conference.
This is in contrast to the position of the incumbent US President Donald Trump. On May 29, 2020, he announced the USA would sever its relationship with WHO and redirect funds to US global health priorities. In 2019, including assessed and voluntary contributions, the U.S. provided WHO an estimated $419 million. WHO reports that U.S. assessed and voluntary contributions together represented approximately 16% of WHO’s total revenue
This chart puts the annual budget of this important organization a bit into context.
- Pets:
- Jeff Bezos:
- WHO: Programme budget 2018-2019
- Coca cola:

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A horizontal variant of the classic column chart.