Chart Vizzard
Vizzlo's AI-based chart generatorDIVERSITY in the OSCARS, 1927 - 2020

With Bong Joon Ho’s ‘Parasite’ taking home an historic win for Best Picture (the first non-English language film to do so, ever), there is much celebration of the growing diversity of the country of origin of films to win academy awards–but is it all too little too late?
Minorities make up 40% of the american populous, however only 8.5% of all Oscar winners are non white. especially the best actress category looks harsh, with Halley Berry being the only non white winner in that category in 2002. This year not one female director was nominated for an Oscar an only one non white person was nominated for any of the acting awards. Not great numbers, especially talking into account, that around 65% of movies released in 2019 featured at least a 20% minority cast.

This is an example of Vizzlo's “Multiple Pies Chart”
Place up to six pie charts on a single page. A modern alternative to a bar chart.