Chart Vizzard
Vizzlo's AI-based chart generatorTrump's Inaugural Address, 2017

Continuing our Inaugural Address series is current POTUS, Donald J. Trump.
There are a few incredibly interesting things to notice in Trump’s first address.
Of the Presidents we reviewed, Trump is the only one to refer to a former President (Obama) frequently enough to make it into the top-30 word cloud. Perhaps to highlight their differences - or to show sportsmanship after a divisive campaign?
Another word to note here is ‘America’ - completely dwarfing all else; In fact, Trump repeats the word America a total of 34 times in his 15 minute speech - that’s once every 30 seconds!
Emotional language, such as ‘heart’, ‘families’ and ‘dreams’ make an impact. This matches with Trump’s every-man approach to rhetoric, and his campaign style of aiming to win citizen’s hearts over their minds.
Tying together these terms, Donald Trump also epitomises the idea of the American Dream - a businessman who has achieved worldwide, televised fame for his success. See this clearly emphasised in his inaugural speech - from ‘America’ and ‘dreams’ to ‘millions’, ‘wealth’ and ‘power’.
Finally, there is clearly a nostalgia referenced for an America of the past, with ‘bring back’ and ‘great again’ being used numerous times in this Inaugural Address.

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