Chart Vizzard
Vizzlo's AI-based chart generatorHOW TO FIGHT SOCIAL-MEDIA ADDICTION

Since 2013 a group of social-network insiders has gathered to raise awareness on just how much power tech companies have over us and how much we allow them inside our heads, lives, and into our decisions. The message is this: Can Facebook, Google, Twitter, and company be made more humane? Tristan Harris from Google has invited other Silicon Valley dropouts like Justin Rosenstein, the inventor of the “Like” button on Facebook, and Loren Britcher from Twitter; to his [Center for Humane Technology] ( where they fight to set rules into place for these corporations. According to them, it is imperative we regain control of our lives and our hijacked brains. Here are some tips they left us to help resist the seduction these platforms present.

This is an example of Vizzlo's “List of Milestones”
Present your project milestones in a simple and compelling way with this vertical list.
Project Management Process & Structure diagrams Milestone Charts Timelines & Roadmaps