Chart Vizzard
Vizzlo's AI-based chart generatorTop free Apps on iOS Store

What is the first app your eyes jump to after you unlock your phone screen? The chances are high that you have downloaded one of the following, for they are the top free apps downloaded from the iOS Store. It is probably no wonder to you that Youtube and Instagram are there, but did you know Twisty Arrow! and rank higher? The app business keeps getting more attractive, and in 2017 there was a growth report of 60% in the number of downloads all around the world, along with the time users spend in apps per year, mounting up to 43 days a year. Read more [here] (

This is an example of Vizzlo's “Signpost Chart”
This signpost chart is great to visualize the different directions your project could go from here.
Project Management Process & Structure diagrams Pictorial charts Signs & Memes