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Create a 100% stacked area chart to compare the relative weight of different data series.
Create a stacked bar chart that adds up to 100%.
Create a 100% Stacked Time Series graph to visualize proportional trends over time.
This alarm clock will be ideal to demonstrate the balance time in your presentation.
A customizable analog clock that displays a specific time
Visualize product- and market-related opportunities to define your growth strategy.
A super versatile area chart maker for colorful, bold visualizations
Keep track of your vision and strategy with this well-known performance management tool.
Visualize amounts with respect to one categorical variable
Visualize different values or fill levels using a barrel.
This diagram will be the best choice for representing your business processes.
Carry out a portfolio analysis to help you allocate resources efficiently and devise a successful business strategy.
A fantastic representation of a funnel chart from the top of it. Perfect to represent the stages of your sales process!
Compare up to six different categories with this charming diagram.
Visualize different values or fill levels using a selection of water, beer, or wine bottles.
Compactly display the distribution of a continuous variable.
Highlight and label different areas of the human brain.
A multivariable graph for visualizing and comparing up to four dimension of your data.
Variation of the standard waterfall chart which adds up items from right to left to a total on the left of the chart.
A visual template to develop new or document existing business models.
Create a butterfly chart to compare two data sets side by side.
Present your deadline date with this eye-catching calendar chart.
X-MAS SPECIAL! Tell your christmas story with christmas balls.
X-MAS SPECIAL! Give your data a holiday theme with this special bar chart.
X-MAS SPECIAL! Give your data a holiday twist and season your presentation with this special donut chart.
X-MAS SPECIAL! Prioritize your christmas wish list along a christmas tree.
Plan a whole year or a day, or quickly display recurring activities/events with this beautiful agenda chart.
Tachometer-like gauge modeled after a typical car dashboard.
Visualize and compare numerical data of categories from groups with the color coded bar graph.
Show your corporate portfolio with this fanned-out color chart.
Use this table to compare product features or skills, and tell at a glance which option suits you best.
Visualize the positioning of your competition using this radar-like chart.
Present the different steps of your project with a flippable adjusting wheel.
A circular chart for milestones or recurring processes with up to ten stages.
Visualize your competitions' or projects' progress with arrows on a dartboard.
Slenderize your simple pie chart with this donut chart and highlight your favorite pieces.
The dot plot chart is a visually appealing alternative to the bar chart for single or multiple categories of data.
Gain insight into your customers using Vizzlo's Empathy Map.
A circular diagram to visualize project and feedback processes.
Easy to create, this timeline chart will make your project presentations and reports more compelling.
Easily visualize different packages of documents using this folder chart.
Visualize project schedules and your progress flow.
Visualize a portfolio analysis effectively to help you allocate resources efficiently for a successful business strategy.
This gearwheel chart perfectly fits your relationships in business processes.
Use a grouped bar chart to compare the same categories within different groups.
Communicate your project growth with a visual metaphor of growing leaves on a tree.
A bar chart that highlights the change from one record to the next using hand drawn arrows.
Create a beautiful half-pie chart in seconds (with no tricks or workarounds as in Excel) to present your data.
Visualize your technology stack using delicious layers of a hamburger or sandwich.
A horizontal variant of the classic column chart.
How much time is still left for your project? Visualize it like in the old days.
Simplified representation of the human body. Displays a woman, a man, or both.
What's hidden below the surface of your project plan? Visualize it with an actual iceberg!
Visualize your ideas and core beliefs with this great staged light bulb graphic.
Visualize the flow from several sources to a whole with a beautiful Sankey-like diagram.
Customizable version of the famous British propaganda poster from WWII.
A speedometer-like gauge with arbitrary text labels to present the direction of a project or a specific area of focus.
Make an attractive timeline to visualize overlapping and concurrent processes with ease.
Present your data in a natural way with this beautiful leaf chart.
An easy, quick, and super versatile line graph maker.
Present your project milestones in a simple and compelling way with this vertical list.
A visually attractive way to explain longer processes of a specific project or your day-to-day operations.
Our free chart creator helps you create beautiful Marimekko charts in no time. Online, in PowerPoint, or Google Slides.
Get your message across using a speech balloon, a thought bubble or a simple frame.
A clean graphic to point out a sequence of milestones along a project.
Point out up to ten events along a project development with this milestone plan plotted as an arrow.
Place up to six pie charts on a single page. A modern alternative to a bar chart.
Compare your data across up to six different radial bars chart on a single page.
Create a sophisticated Nightingale's Rose chart to compare periodic data or various categories across different groups.
Create your onion diagram with multiple layers of your projects' dependencies.
Use an organigram/logic tree to visualize the hierarchy of your company. It is also suitable for building a heritage tree.
Germany's sign to indicate that you're leaving a city and the next is just around the corner.
Visualize and compare percentages, fractions or absolute numbers with engaging icons.
Our free online chart maker helps you create pie charts in no time. Online, in PowerPoint or Google Slides.
Quickly create a sophisticated polar graph with stacked bars. It's an eye-catching alternative to conventional column charts.
Break down demographics with this population pyramid.
Communicate the completion status of a task list with our progress bar chart.
A chevron chart to visualize the whole life cycle of your project, detailing its phases and processes/activities.
Piece processes or elements of a project together with this puzzle chart.
A beautiful and highly customizable pyramid diagram with up to ten levels.
Generate QR codes from URLs or text for print materials, presentations, and digital displays
Easily compare multiple variables in a compelling graph with several polar axes.
This modified bar chart with its circular shape is as stylish as possible for your next presentation.
Visualize your progress towards a goal or the share of a whole with this simple but effective chart.
A range plot is a great choice if you want to highlight the difference between two values rather than the values itself.
Visualize your user retention or any other simple data series using a set of sequential half circles.
In love with diamonds? Use up to ten rhombi to visualize your milestones.
A horizontal bar chart that functions as a vertical list (or the other way round).
A vertical list of agenda items, bullet points, or milestones visualized as ribbons.
Where's your product heading? Visualize your next steps using an actual roadmap.
Easily visualize the connotative meaning of products and services.
This scale will be ideal for showing your balanced or disbalanced values.
This signpost chart is great to visualize the different directions your project could go from here.
Make impressive and beautiful project management timelines easily with just a few clicks.
Visualize a before and after story with a focus on slopes.
Easily visualize changes of cumulative data series using the stacked area chart.
Highlight the part-to-whole relationships of categories and compare various groups with this stacked bar graph.
A stacked time series graph to visualize the part-to-whole relationship between your data.
Easily visualize your business strengths and weaknesses, and identify opportunities and threats.
Use an illustrated thermometer to display any kind of single value.
What was good about a project and what was bad? What do you like, what not? Show it using the thumbs signal.
Complex time series graph to visualize detailed financial data.
Efficient project planning and scheduling with impressive timelines with just a few clicks.
Valentine's Day special: A timeline for lovers.
Create a tornado chart to analyze and evaluate decisions.
Visualize the trade-off between two different aspects of the same thing.
A treemap chart is often a better choice than a pie chart. Create a sophisticated one with ease.
Capture you audience's attention with this nice bar chart alternative.
Won a prize or some other trophy in a competition? Show how proud you are.
A zoomable map of the United States for highlighting any number of states by clicking on them.
Compare different the growth and decline of multiple values with up to ten up pairs of arrow bars.
Use a value projection to compare the values of different categories in two different moments.
Create a Venn diagram to visualize intersections and differences between groups.
Create a beautiful funnel chart with up to six stages to map out your sales pipeline or any other process.
Don't you miss MS Paint, too?
Classical warning sign. No idea what to write on it? Try 'Sign not in use' or 'Road never ends'.
Visualize and understand the cumulative effect of sequentially added positive or negative values.
Generate a stunning word cloud (or tag cloud) with ease, just by pasting your text here.
A zoomable map for highlighting any number of countries of the world by clicking on them.